About Us
NT Stainless offer a comprehensive range of, state-of- the-art, stainless steel sanitary ware and washroom equipment. Our Product list includes Stainless Steel wash fountains, wash troughs, pod, slab & wall hung urinals, catering sinks, wall mounted basins & inset bowls, back to wall WC toilet pans, hospital slop hoppers, sensor, mixer & non concussive taps etc etc for all projects requiring, not just the durability and hygienic properties of stainless steel but, new and unique product designs. Most suited for use hospitals, schools, universities, sports facilities, food processing, retail, pubs, nightclubs, manufacturing etc...
Supplying modern, high-tech, stylish, stainless steel sanitary ware, our aim is to provide customers with the latest, high quality, products, from our stock, retailing at competitive prices.
NT Stainless was established in 2001 as a new branch of the Canberra Wells Ltd group of companies. Flue-Stox, our sister company has been supplying the UK market with flues since 1981.